Past president of UNICA, Max Hänsli was called on stage after the opening banquet for UNICA 2013.
Walking with crutches after a back operation, he was greeted with tremendous applause. His speech was interrupted often by laughter ...
This is a slightly shortened version of his address.
Walking with crutches after a back operation, he was greeted with tremendous applause. His speech was interrupted often by laughter ...
This is a slightly shortened version of his address.
Dear UNICA film friends,
Statistics show, and we constantly hear it said, “People are always getting older!” You are bound to have heard the expression: “Just don’t get old …” But when the time comes, we often change our minds. In an old report from 1937 I read that UNICA probably will not last long because of an oft-noted problem of aging. Strangely enough, 75 years later we are still living with the problem of aging.
Statistics show, and we constantly hear it said, “People are always getting older!” You are bound to have heard the expression: “Just don’t get old …” But when the time comes, we often change our minds. In an old report from 1937 I read that UNICA probably will not last long because of an oft-noted problem of aging. Strangely enough, 75 years later we are still living with the problem of aging.

In 1931, interested parties from 5 nations met for the first international film competition in Brussels. 16mm was the current film format.
It was decided to hold these meetings every year. Statutes and Regulations were drafted and sent to interested national associations. Six years later it was all agreed. The founding meeting of UNICA took place in Paris, on the occasion of the World Exhibition.
[See historical note on the formation of UNICA - here. Editor.]
It was decided to hold these meetings every year. Statutes and Regulations were drafted and sent to interested national associations. Six years later it was all agreed. The founding meeting of UNICA took place in Paris, on the occasion of the World Exhibition.
[See historical note on the formation of UNICA - here. Editor.]
So it follows that today we celebrate the 75th birthday of UNICA .
In these 75 years we a great deal has happened. After the second world war was over, the first UNICA Congress was able to take place in Lugano, Switzerland. It is interesting that despite food rationing, the Swiss government was able to provide meals for the participants.
In these 75 years we a great deal has happened. After the second world war was over, the first UNICA Congress was able to take place in Lugano, Switzerland. It is interesting that despite food rationing, the Swiss government was able to provide meals for the participants.
The revolution in the technology sector during these 75 years can scarcely be ignored by a filmmaker. What was new at this time? 16mm, 9.5mm, 8mm, Super-8 then switching to 5 different video formats to tape material. And who today still speaks of video when the chip in the camera has really changed everything again.
I am sure that the speaker at the next UNICA jubilee will be talking about fresh changes. |
You know that UNICA is probably the oldest film organisation, certainly one of the oldest of this type. Thousands of film makers have taken part in its annual Congresses. UNICA was, and is still, a meeting place for friends who share a hobby, a place for exchanging ideas with participants from more than 30 countries.
Maybe you are wondering why every year up to 500 people come to this international competition, where it is often difficult to understand the language in the movies and one depends on the imagery of the work? In addition to the cinematic experiences there are certain major and minor events, which over and over again give some participants reasons not to miss UNICA.
They get a lot from UNICA, especially when a UNICA visits a land that is not one of their normal tourist destinations. At those times we can experience some unexpected incidents.
Who remembers UNICA 1985 in Argentina (Mar del Plata)?
Maybe you are wondering why every year up to 500 people come to this international competition, where it is often difficult to understand the language in the movies and one depends on the imagery of the work? In addition to the cinematic experiences there are certain major and minor events, which over and over again give some participants reasons not to miss UNICA.
They get a lot from UNICA, especially when a UNICA visits a land that is not one of their normal tourist destinations. At those times we can experience some unexpected incidents.
Who remembers UNICA 1985 in Argentina (Mar del Plata)?

It was the first time that UNICA had taken place in South America, in Argentina. The organization, under the leadership of Günter Gruber, worked excellently. We were taken on a day trip to a city to see the museum, which was built for Jan Emanuel Fangio, the most famous Argentinian racing driver, where all of his race cars would be on display. We were all looking forward to this event. And then the great disillusionment, the museum was not yet built, and so no cars were on show.
Günter Gruber was very disappointed himself, but he acted swiftly. We were driven to one of the biggest satellite ground station in the world and each person could phone a friend at home by satellite. Remember that in 1985 there were no mobile phoned. Thus was the disappointment about Fangio forgotten.
Günter Gruber was very disappointed himself, but he acted swiftly. We were driven to one of the biggest satellite ground station in the world and each person could phone a friend at home by satellite. Remember that in 1985 there were no mobile phoned. Thus was the disappointment about Fangio forgotten.
Stories from UNICAs in Finland, Switzeland and the USSR in part two - here.
Most photographs on this page from Creative Commons sources.
Most photographs on this page from Creative Commons sources.