Committee Members Attending
Georges Fondeur (President)
Jeanne Glass (Vice-President)
Jan Essing (Secretary General)
Thomas Kräuchi (Treasurer)
Zeljko Balog
Wolfgang Freier
Rolf Leuenberger
Rolf Mandolesi
Alois Urbanek
Also Present
Max Hänsli (Honorary President)
Fred Graber (Friends of UNICA)
Wolfgang Freier (UNICA Patronage)
Serge Michel (IFTC Liaison)
Nina Saitseva (Congress President)
Alois Urbanek (Technical Issues)
Dave Watterson (Webmaster)
Not Present
Artashes Hovanessian (Adviser)
Claire Auda (Translations)
Federations Represented
Czech Republic
Republic Of Korea
United Kingdom
Georges Fondeur (president) and Thomas Kräuchi (treasurer) explain that Bernhard Lindner (DEU) is supposed to withdraw as auditor on being a member of the committee. Nico Sauber (LUX) becomes the first auditor and we have to vote on a new second and a reserve.
Dvorak (AUT) and Jan Essing (NLD) are
proposed in that following order. Their nomination is welcomed with
unanimous applause.
Georges Fondeur (president) reports no new
membership applications.
Georges Fondeur (president) reports no new proposals from the committee.
Georges Fondeur (president) notes that new proposals have to be admitted at least 5 months prior to the General Assembly. No new proposals have been submitted.
Georges Fondeur (president) explains that we maintain the contribution for UNICA at the same level as last year. There are no questions nor objections and all vote in favour.
Thomas Kräuchi (treasurer) explains that the budget for 2016 was sent together with the balance sheet for 2014. We advise a balanced budget. There are no important investments to achieve. If new medals have to be bought, there is provision for them.
There are no questions nor objections, so the budget for 2016 is agreed with all in favour.
2016: Romania (determined)
Georges Fondeur (president) explains: We try to plan three years in advance. Now, we already know that in 2016 Congress will take place in Suceava (ROU) from August 19th till 26th. The city has a population of 200.000 and is located in north-eastern part of Romania not far from the border with Ukraine and Moldova, and also not far from the Black Sea. The Committee visited the place and we liked the city very much. The hotels are in good order. The city is very respectable.
2017: Germany (also determined)
Georges Fondeur (president): in the agenda there still are four question marks. This only means it’s a question of in which city we will be.
Lindner (DEU) invites UNICA to Dortmund from August 5th
to 12th 2017. Dortmund is a city located in the industrial area of
"Ruhrgebiet" and we will organise a UNICA congress in a mine … the
buildings are now a monument and a Congress Hall.
Georges Fondeur (president): This is then also
2018 : not yet decided
Georges Fondeur (president): You might remember last year in Piešťany, where we had two candidates for 2016. One was almost decided, which came from Suceava and then a candidacy from the Czech Republic suddenly arrived proposing we select the town of Blansko for 2016. A certain rivalry was created and the General Assembly then decided for Suceava for statutory reasons.
Now, the Czech Republic has sent an official candidacy for 2018. At the same time, an official candidature also came from the Netherlands for the city of Leeuwarden, because in 2018 the city is European capital of culture.
Both candidatures have been submitted in good time.
Františ (CZE): We still regret that we were unable to
organise UNICA 2016, but we now apply for 2018 because we are
convinced that we can organise a good congress. We are ready for
this. Blansko is a beautiful city, you won't be disappointed. Many
anniversaries are celebrated this year in the Czech Republic, in the
town of Blansko and by the national film Association. You have
received the pamphlet that welcomes you all to Blansko.
Murtin (NLD): in view of the strong arguments and the
progress in preparation made by the Czech delegation, the Dutch
delegation is prepared to withdraw their candidature for 2018, but
only if it can be confirmed that the town of Leeuwarden will be
allowed to host the UNICA 2019 congress.
Georges Fondeur (president): Because our regulations require us to plan three years in advance, I think that we can set 2018 for the city Blansko in Czech Republic and provisionally give the contract to the city of Leeuwarden in the Netherlands for 2019.This proposal is adopted with applause.
Thomas Kräuchi (treasurer) on behalf of all present, I want to thank the departing Committee members warmly for the time they have served the Committee. You have given lots of time to UNICA, to solve problems, to find solutions, to talk with everyone and to put that talking into a functioning organisation. These people have travelled halfway around the world for UNICA, they have been completely dedicated and that's why we present them with a shield of the coat of arms: "Recognition for services provided" for president Georges Fondeur (2006-2015), secretary-general Jan Essing (2003-2015) and advisor Alois Urbanek (2004-2015).
Georges Fondeur (president): We are taken aback and had no idea something like that would come to us. Thank you very much! Jan Essing and Alois Urbanek join in.
Georges Fondeur (president): the delegation from Romania has submitted a request, but it was handed in too late to vote upon it. We can, of course, discuss it without voting.
Viorel Ieremie (ROU): reports that he had discussions
with many Committee members about Jeunesse. He has summarised this
discussion in three points:
Slovakia was an example for me. They achieved a wonderful Jeunesse programme although Slovakia is not a very big country. This year, there has been no Jeunesse programme. I don't know why and it's too late to discuss it, but I hope that the delegates agree with my suggestions.
Jan Essing (general-secretary) would like to thank Viorel Ieremie for his contribution. He points out that the current committee sent out in May to the member countries changes in the provisions of the competition, where the age of Jeunesse participants was lowered to 18 years. That will apply as from January 2016.
Viorel Ieremie (ROU) is of opinion that 19 years would be better than 18 because in many countries students first complete high school at the age of 19.
Jan Essing (general-secretary) the new Committee should deal with it then.
Wolfgang Freier (BEL) supports the contribution of Viorel Ieremie and calls upon the countries who today have applied to organise a UNICA Congress to provide a Jeunesse programme. The Organiser should determine how to do it.
Max Hänsli (honorary president, LIE): in 1982 the Hungarian Association produced the flag for the UNICA, that you see on stage, but the bill was never paid. Just a minute ago I talked with Dr.Sándor Buglya and he has promised me that the UNICA doesn't have to pay for it anymore. Furthermore Max thanks the previous Committee in the name of the General Assembly and hopes that the new Committee vigorously continues the organisation of UNICA.
After that Georges Fondeur (President) closes this session of the General Assembly on the occasion of the 74th UNICA Congress.