Committee Members Attending
Georges Fondeur (President)
Jeanne Glass (Vice-President)
Jan Essing (Secretary General)
Thomas Kräuchi (Treasurer)
Zeljko Balog
Wolfgang Freier
Rolf Leuenberger
Rolf Mandolesi
Alois Urbanek
Also Present
Max Hänsli (Honorary President)
Fred Graber (Friends of UNICA)
Wolfgang Freier (UNICA Patronage)
Claire Auda (Translations)
Alois Urbanek (Technical Issues)
Suzana Skoludova (ICongress President)
Kees Tervoort (Special Adviser)
Dave Watterson (Webmaster)
Not Present
Artashes Hovanessian (Adviser)
Serge Michel (IFTC Liaison)
Federations Represented
Czech Republic
Republic Of Korea
United Kingdom
The President of the Congress, Zuzana Skoludova, welcomes the attendees to the General Assembly. Claire Auda and her interpreter team translate the meeting simultaneously into French, German and English.
The membership of UNICA currently is 32 countries. The maximum number of votes is 32.
11 countries are not attending nor represented, so 21 countries are present or represented at the start of the meeting. So more than 50% of the members are present and therefore the assembly is qualified to vote and make decisions.
The majority at this meeting will thus be 11.
Committee Report (General Secretary)
Proposals by the Committee:
Chairman of the General Assembly - Georges Fondeur
Secretary - Jan Essing
Vote counters - Max Hänsli (Honorary President
and LIE) Ievgen Maksymov (UKR)
Approved unanimously.
The Agenda receives unanimous approval.
the instruction of the General Assembly, the address by the
President is not sent out before the meeting, but presented
personally by the President during the meeting.
The president emphasises his gratitude
towards to Zuzana Školudová for the well-organized
UNICA Congress and Festival. There are no questions regarding the
President's address (read
it here).
Unanimous approval of the address, with thanks and applause for the
Fondeur (President) proposes the General Assembly keep a
one-minute silence to mark the decease of both Stani Puls,
long time member of the committee and former vice-president, as well
as Werner “Gecko” Kaufmann, former treasurer of
UNICA for 26 years. The General Assembly remembers them in silence.
Georges Fondeur (President) proposes proposes granting honorary membership to Arie de Jong and Stani Puls (posthumously) for their long and tireless dedication to UNICA. The proposal is accepted with applause. We now have 5 honorary members alive: Max Hänsli (Honorary President), Serge Michel, Jan Baca and Arie de Jong and Hans Schober (Honorary Librarian).
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The Minutes in three languages were sent to the federations. There are no questions regarding them. (Read them online here.)
The Minutes receive unanimous approval, with thanks and applause for the Secretary General, Jan Essing.
The extensive report in three languages with detailed information was sent to the federations. (Read it here.) There are no questions. The report of the Committee is accepted with unanimous approval, with thanks and applause for the Secretary General, Jan Essing.
report (in 3 languages) was sent to the federations. (Read it
as a pdf here.)
Thomas Kräuchi (Treasurer): Three countries haven’t paid their membership fee for 2013. One country hasn’t paid for 2012 also. Many letters have been sent in order to collect the membership fees. If UZB, AND and ARG haven’t paid ultimo 2014 they will be expelled from UNICA membership. If one of the delegates has connections to these countries, the committee would be pleased to hear any sign of life.
The whole budget shows a small profit in 2013.
The report of the treasurer is approved unanimously and welcomed with thanks and loud applause for the treasurer Thomas Kräuchi.
Allin (AUT) reads the Auditors' report aloud
during the meeting (Read
it as a pdf here.)
Louis Schmitz (LUX) and Wolfgang Allin (AUT) performed this year's audit. They scrutinized the bookkeeping and the bank accounts and declare that everything complies with the budget and mandates. They are confident in the way the treasurer performs his task and propose acceptance of all previous reports of the treasurer.
Georges Fondeur (President) mentions Louis Schmitz not attending the Festival for health reasons.
There are no questions regarding the Report of the Auditors. There are no abstentions and no dissent in the voting.
Since Hans Schober (ex-Librarian) quit his office as Film librarian the films were stored in the house of Thomas Kräuchi (Treasurer). Since end of 2013 the films have been housed at the premises of Lichtspiel in Bern.
Georg Schörner (AUT) we have discussed the matter. Films will be digitized if requested on loan. How is this working now and how much copying has been done?
Thomas Kräuchi (Treasurer): for many years we have produced the 80-minute DVDs of UNICA programmes. That means that most films are in circulation. All movies are viewed and indexed at Lichtspiel Association and only digitally copied if they are requested on loan. Almost nothing is lent anymore so there are few films digitally copied. If acetate films are requested, a flat fee of 25 SWF has to be paid for the digitalized copy. If the original film is requested the postal charges have to be met.
[Read the report of the Film Library Catalogue webmaster here.]
These Minutes were approved by the 2015 General Assembly.