Committee Members Attending
Georges Fondeur (President)
Jeanne Glass (Vice-President)
Jan Essing (Secretary General)
Thomas Kräuchi (Treasurer)
Also Present
Max Hänsli (Honorary President)
Fred Graber (Friends of UNICA)
Wolfgang Freier (UNICA Patronage)
Claire Auda (Translations)
Alois Urbanek (Congress President)
Serge Michel (IFTC Liaison)
Wolfgang Schweiger (Executive Director)
Not Present
Zeljko Balog (Adviser)
Arie de Jong (Webmaster)
Federations Represented
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
Republic Of Korea
Graber (Amis): We had a wonderful meeting with 50
friends of UNICA. (Read the report
Georg Schörner (AUT): The balance sheet of Friends
shows a good reserve. This, to my knowledge, is used for two
purposes: informing people who donated and to support UNICA. Can the
assembly be informed what form the support is taking? The reserve
now is about 15 times the annual contribution.
Thomas Kräuchi (treasurer) replies that the money
is used for supporting countries that occasionally fail to pay their
contributions. We could suggest that the Friends support UNICA 2013
in case of a deficit, or donate money for digitising the celluloid
films. But let’s not forget that historically many people donated
€1,000 for lifetime membership. UNICA Friends’ balance sheet is
somewhat distorted by that.
The report is accepted with unanimous approval, with thanks and
applause to Fred and Ursula Graber.
report had been prepared by Wolfgang Freier and
dispatched to the federations. (Read
it here.)
Alois Urbanek (AUT) reports that it is due to the
efforts of Wolfgang Freier (patronages) that
so many festivals request patronage.
Wolfgang Freier (patronages): The number of
patronages is shrinking though. He calls upon the assembly to
support any request for UNICA Patronage like Austria does. The
result is obvious. In Austria the amount of Patronage Festivals is
larger than anywhere else.
The report is approved unanimously, with thanks and applause to Wolfgang
author of this report is Serge Michel. The report
had been sent in three languages to the federations. (Read
the report here.)
Serge Michel (IFTC Liaison) wishes to add
something. Last year the Director-General of UNESCO attended the
UNICA Congress by means of a video message. In all publications
since then IFTC stressed that participation. It’s obvious that IFTC
esteems UNICA and its position within IFTC strongly. UNICA has
the opportunity to return that respect in compiling a DVD containing
all films that have won the UNESCO award during UNICA contests. Just
one or two films are still missing. With the UNESCO Prize winner of
UNICA 2013 there will be 15 films compiled in the DVD.
Furthermore Serge Michel underlines that UNICA is
an organization based on the work of not-for-profit staff,
organizing a Festival for not-for-profit film makers. UNICA is the
only organization with that unique basis within IFTC and it’s being
appreciated highly. And the work and films show experience far from
amateurism. Organizations have to change and renew. That’s obvious.
But Serge Michel stresses the need to maintain the
old and unique values in UNICA.
Georges Fondeur (president) thanks Serge
Michel for his work as vice-president of IFTC and keeping
UNICA connected as former vice-president of UNICA. It opens doors in
the world and we should cherish it.
The report is approved unanimously, with thanks and applause to Serge
Georges Fondeur
(president) reports that Arie de Jong (Webmaster)
is absent because of his health. (Read
the report here.)
A lot of information about UNICA may be found in the website of
UNICA. Adjoining the UNICA website the report discusses the
special website for the film library. We archive over 1.500 films
and this site offers information about the content of these films in
various sortings.
Jan Essing (s-g.) adds that there is another
but the information is not authorised by the committee. We’re happy
though that there is a website publishing unofficial news about
André Lion (BEL) requests incorporating a link in
the UNICA Website to the French speaking Film authors’ organization
in Belgium next to the Dutch speaking.
The report is approved unanimously, with thanks and applause to Arie
de Jong.
The auditors already proposed to discharge the Committee in the report, read by Louis Schmitz (LUX). This proposal is accepted unanimously. Georges Fondeur (president) thanks his fellow members of the committee.
Georges Fondeur (President) and Thomas
Kräuchi (Treasurer explain that Ralf Klossner
(LIE) is supposed to withdraw as auditor according to rules. Louis
Schmitz (LUX) becomes the first auditor and Wolfgang
Allin (AUT) is second. A new auditor as substitute has to
be found and Bernhard Lindner (DEU) is nominated.
As a rule we nominate someone living not too far from Zürich due to
travel costs.
His nomination is welcomed with unanimous applause.
Georges Fondeur (President) reports the membership application from the Norsk Selskap for Fotografi (NSFF) in Oslo, Norway. We’re glad that another Nordic country joins the UNICA family. The application for membership from January 1st 2014 for NSFF is approved unanimously.
Georges Fondeur (pres.) reports a proposal for a
minor change in UNICA Statutes in order to be able to pass on future
costs of postage for lending films from the UNICA Film Library. The
Committee is negotiating with an Institution in Switzerland to host
the films from the Library. They don’t dispatch films for free.
Georg Schörner (AUT): If other costs than postage
are necessary, then UNICA Cashier should cover that. Members have no
influence on the cost of digitisation.
Thomas Kräuchi (Treasurer): negotiations have just
started. So we don’t really know what amounts we’re talking about.
We should waive from not passing on expenditures.
Max Hänsli (Honorary president): thinks that the
problem is in the UNICA films (about 1,365 of them) that aren’t in
too good condition.
Rolf Leuenberger (committee): is confident that
UNICA Library only contains copies and no originals.
Max Hänsli (Honorary president): proposes to
further start negations and report on the results to the Assembly.
But the committee needs a certain mandate to be able to negotiate.
Georges Fondeur(president) brings into voting the advice given by
Max. Everyone is in favour.
Georges Fondeur (president): the reform plans have
been distributed to the Federations. Before end of November the
General Secretary expects to receive the members’ answers and
proposals. Kees Tervoort (NLD) will assist the
committee in processing them. There are no further questions.