World Minute Movie Cup
13-08-31 |
13-08-15 |
12-09-03 |
12-08-13 | 30 entries for the WMMC 2012 | ||
11-08-26 |
11-07-24 |
04-08-22 27
entries for the World Minute Movie Cup Contest
04-05-18 Entryform for the World
Minute Movie Cup 2004
03-09-02 Countries with a bonus film in the World Minute
Movie Cup 2003
03-08-25 Result
of the World Minute Movie Cup 2003
03-07-24 18 entries for the World Minute Movie Cup Contest
02-09-01 Result
of the World Minute Movie Cup 2002
Winners 2002
Winners 2001
Winners 2000
Winners 1999