EST | Vaike Kalda |
EST | Peeter Tammisto |
Filmographie Reinhardt K. Steininger Geboren 1944 in Altenmarkt/Salzburg. Nach Grundschulbildung Übersiedelung nach Wien. HTL-Abschluss und danach Ausbildung zum Flugsicherungs-Ingenieur. Arbeitet als Spezialist fuer Navigations- und Kommunikationsanlagen am Flughafen Wien und unterrichtet auch an der Flugsicherungs-Akademie. Seit 40 Jahren Beschaeftigung mit Fotografie, Literatur und Film. Besuch mehrerer Theater- und Film-Workshops. Ab 1970 Filmer mit S8 und spaeter mit Video. Mitglied im Klub der Kinoamateure Oesterreichs seit 1972. Autor von Reise- und Kurzdokumentarfilmen aus aller Welt und Mitwirkung an Spielfilmen ("Sport", "Kristall" etc). 1990 Ausbildung als Juror. Anschliessend bei vielen nationalen Bewerben (Landesmeisterschaften, Staatsmeisterschaften, NOE im Film, Handwerk im Film u.v.a.) und internationalen Wettbewerben, wie Duisburger Filmtage, BATAVIALE, DANUBIALE, Filmfest der Nationen Ebensee u.a. als Juror, sowie als Juryleiter bei der UNICA-Jeunesse 1992 taetig. Seit 1992 auch VOEFA -Regionalleiter der Region 1, Wien und Burgenland. Bildet sich auch heute noch in Theater- und Video-Seminaren fort. |
BEL | Jozef Van Gompel Nickname 'Jef' preferred, born on Nov. 27th 1943, Logopäde-Phoniater, works in the hospital Sint-Jan in Brugge, producer of 80 films, among them 30 animations films, 6 films in the Belgium UNICA-programme: 1 GOLD-,1 SILVER- AND 2 BRONZE-MEDALS, member of the BRUGSE AMATEURCINEASTS since 1969 member of the jury in many national and international filmfestivals... |
Maiju Leppänen |
GBR | Reg Lancaster Reg Lancaster was born in Manchester in '35, and has been a film maker since 1970. He has served on many juries at local, regional and national festivals in Britain, and is a regular jury member at the Festival Mondial du Courts Metrages in Huy, Belgium. First attended UNICA at Ste Nazaire in 1983. At that time Britain was not a member, and for years he and his wife Annabelle were the only Brits regularly attending UNICA, while campaigning back home for Britain to re-join the UNICA family. Meanwhile, several of the films that he made with Dutchmen Vladimir Murtin and Jan Schoonen, were shown at UNICA as part of Dutch national programmes. Viewers may remember TANDEM (bronze medal) and OLYMPIA (silver medal.) President of the Orpington club based in the South East of England, he serves on Regional and National Councils of the IAC, of which he is currently Vice Chairman. Writes regular columns in club and regional magazines and does book reviews in Film and Video Maker, the IAC's magazine. He was a much travelled staff photographer for the Daily Express for over 40 years, and loves the cinema, two lovely granddaughters and Manchester United! |
Tanja Golic Born in Rijeka, on March 13, 1973. She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka in 1998, in the department of Visual Arts, subject: Graphics. In 2000, she also obtained a degree in Organisation of cultural activities at the same faculty. At present, she is studying at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb, in the department of Film and TV direction. Since 1990, she has been exhibiting her works at collective exhibitions (Rijeka, Dubrovnik, Samobor, Široki, Brijeg, Mostar, Zagreb, Varazdin, Split, Opatija, Cuneo, Kastav, Bitola, Trieste) and has participated at numerous festivals (Pozega, Krizevci, Rijeka, Zagreb, London). Her video works are included in anthological programmes of contemporary Croatian video art (Croatian Avant-Garde Film & Video, Millennium, New York, 1998; Avant Garde Films and Videos from Central Europe, The Lux Centre, Hoxton, London, 1998; Alommásolatok - közép-európaifilmavant-gárd, Toldi mozi, Budapest, 1999). She also participated at UNICA '99 with her work Ultrasound/Supersonic Vibration. VIDEO